from typing import Any, List
import numpy as np
from citylearn.citylearn import CityLearnEnv
from citylearn.preprocessing import Encoder, PeriodicNormalization, Normalize, OnehotEncoding
# conditional imports
import torch
except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError) as e:
raise Exception("This functionality requires you to install torch. You can install torch by : pip install torch torchvision, or for more detailed instructions please visit")
from citylearn.agents.base import Agent
class RLC(Agent):
r"""Base reinforcement learning controller class.
env: CityLearnEnv
CityLearn environment.
hidden_dimension : List[float], default: [256, 256]
Hidden dimension.
discount : float, default: 0.99
Discount factor.
tau : float, default: 5e-3
Decay rate.
alpha: float, default: 0.2
Temperature; exploration-exploitation balance term.
lr : float, default: 3e-4
Learning rate.
batch_size : int, default: 256
Batch size.
replay_buffer_capacity : int, default: 1e5
Replay buffer capacity.
standardize_start_time_step : int, optional
Time step to calculate mean and standard deviation, and begin standardization of observations and rewards in replay buffer. Defaults to :py:attr:`citylearn.citylearn.CityLearnEnv.time_steps` - 2.
end_exploration_time_step : int, optional
Time step to stop random or RBC-guided exploration. Defaults to :py:attr:`citylearn.citylearn.CityLearnEnv.time_steps` - 1.
action_scaling_coefficient : float, default: 0.5
Action scaling coefficient.
reward_scaling : float, default: 5.0
Reward scaling.
update_per_time_step : int, default: 2
Number of updates per time step.
Other Parameters
**kwargs : Any
Other keyword arguments used to initialize super class.
def __init__(
self, env: CityLearnEnv, hidden_dimension: List[float] = None,
discount: float = None, tau: float = None, alpha: float = None, lr: float = None, batch_size: int = None,
replay_buffer_capacity: int = None, standardize_start_time_step: int = None, end_exploration_time_step: int = None,
action_scaling_coefficienct: float = None, reward_scaling: float = None,
update_per_time_step: int = None, **kwargs: Any
super().__init__(env, **kwargs)
self.hidden_dimension = hidden_dimension = discount
self.tau = tau
self.alpha = alpha = lr
self.batch_size = batch_size
self.replay_buffer_capacity = replay_buffer_capacity
self.standardize_start_time_step = standardize_start_time_step
self.end_exploration_time_step = end_exploration_time_step
self.action_scaling_coefficient = action_scaling_coefficienct
self.reward_scaling = reward_scaling
self.update_per_time_step = update_per_time_step
self.encoders = self.set_encoders()
def observation_dimension(self) -> int:
"""Number of observations after applying `encoders`."""
return [len([j for j in np.hstack(e*np.ones(len(s.low))) if j != None]) for e, s in zip(self.encoders, self.observation_space)]
def hidden_dimension(self) -> List[float]:
"""Hidden dimension."""
return self.__hidden_dimension
def discount(self) -> float:
"""Discount factor."""
return self.__discount
def tau(self) -> float:
"""Decay rate."""
return self.__tau
def alpha(self) -> float:
"""Temperature; exploration-exploitation balance term."""
return self.__alpha
def lr(self) -> float:
"""Learning rate."""
return self.__lr
def batch_size(self) -> int:
"""Batch size."""
return self.__batch_size
def replay_buffer_capacity(self) -> int:
"""Replay buffer capacity."""
return self.__replay_buffer_capacity
def standardize_start_time_step(self) -> int:
"""Time step to calculate mean and standard deviation, and begin standardization of observations and rewards in replay buffer. Defaults to :py:attr:`citylearn.citylearn.CityLearnEnv.time_steps` - 2."""
return self.__standardize_start_time_step
def end_exploration_time_step(self) -> int:
"""Time step to stop exploration. Defaults to :py:attr:`citylearn.citylearn.CityLearnEnv.time_steps` - 1."""
return self.__end_exploration_time_step
def action_scaling_coefficient(self) -> float:
"""Action scaling coefficient."""
return self.__action_scaling_coefficient
def reward_scaling(self) -> float:
"""Reward scaling."""
return self.__reward_scaling
def update_per_time_step(self) -> int:
"""Number of updates per time step."""
return self.__update_per_time_step
def hidden_dimension(self, hidden_dimension: List[float]):
self.__hidden_dimension = [256, 256] if hidden_dimension is None else hidden_dimension
def discount(self, discount: float):
self.__discount = 0.99 if discount is None else discount
def tau(self, tau: float):
self.__tau = 5e-3 if tau is None else tau
def alpha(self, alpha: float):
self.__alpha = 0.2 if alpha is None else alpha
def lr(self, lr: float):
self.__lr = 3e-4 if lr is None else lr
def batch_size(self, batch_size: int):
self.__batch_size = 256 if batch_size is None else batch_size
def replay_buffer_capacity(self, replay_buffer_capacity: int):
self.__replay_buffer_capacity = 1e5 if replay_buffer_capacity is None else replay_buffer_capacity
def standardize_start_time_step(self, standardize_start_time_step: int):
self.__standardize_start_time_step = self.episode_time_steps - 1 if standardize_start_time_step is None else standardize_start_time_step
def end_exploration_time_step(self, end_exploration_time_step: int):
self.__end_exploration_time_step = self.episode_time_steps if end_exploration_time_step is None else end_exploration_time_step
def action_scaling_coefficient(self, action_scaling_coefficient: float):
self.__action_scaling_coefficient = 0.5 if action_scaling_coefficient is None else action_scaling_coefficient
def reward_scaling(self, reward_scaling: float):
self.__reward_scaling = 5.0 if reward_scaling is None else reward_scaling
def update_per_time_step(self, update_per_time_step: int):
update_per_time_step = 2 if update_per_time_step is None else update_per_time_step
assert isinstance(update_per_time_step,int), f'update_per_time_step mut be int type. {update_per_time_step} is of {type(update_per_time_step)} type'
self.__update_per_time_step = update_per_time_step
def random_seed(self, seed: int):
Agent.random_seed.fset(self, seed)
def set_encoders(self) -> List[List[Encoder]]:
r"""Get observation value transformers/encoders for use in agent algorithm.
The encoder classes are defined in the `` module and include `PeriodicNormalization` for cyclic observations,
`OnehotEncoding` for categorical obeservations, `RemoveFeature` for non-applicable observations given available storage systems and devices
and `Normalize` for observations with known minimum and maximum boundaries.
encoders : List[List[Encoder]]
Encoder classes for observations ordered with respect to `active_observations`.
encoders = []
for o, s in zip(self.observation_names, self.observation_space):
e = []
for i, n in enumerate(o):
if n in ['month', 'hour']:
elif n == 'day_type':
e.append(OnehotEncoding([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]))
elif n == "daylight_savings_status":
e.append(OnehotEncoding([0, 1]))
e.append(Normalize(s.low[i], s.high[i]))
return encoders